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import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("debugger:evm:selectors");

import { createSelectorTree, createLeaf } from "reselect-tree";

import trace from "lib/trace/selectors";

const WORD_SIZE = 0x20;

 * create EVM-level selectors for a given trace step selector
 * may specify additional selectors to include
function createStepSelectors(step, state = null) {
  let base = {
     * .trace
     * trace step info related to operation
    trace: createLeaf(
      [step], ({gasCost, op, pc}) => ({gasCost, op, pc})

     * .programCounter
    programCounter: createLeaf(
      ["./trace"], (step) => step.pc

     * .isJump
    isJump: createLeaf(
      ["./trace"], (step) => (
        step.op != "JUMPDEST" && step.op.indexOf("JUMP") == 0

     * .isCall
     * whether the opcode will switch to another calling context
    isCall: createLeaf(
      ["./trace"], (step) => step.op == "CALL" || step.op == "DELEGATECALL"

     * .isCreate
    isCreate: createLeaf(
      ["./trace"], (step) => step.op == "CREATE"

     * .isHalting
     * whether the instruction halts or returns from a calling context
    isHalting: createLeaf(
      ["./trace"], (step) => step.op == "STOP" || step.op == "RETURN"

  if (state) {
    const isRelative = (path) => (
      typeof path == "string" && (
        path.startsWith("./") || path.startsWith("../")

    if (isRelative(state)) {
      state = `../${state}`;

    Object.assign(base, {
       * .callAddress
       * address transferred to by call operation
      callAddress: createLeaf(
        ["./isCall", "./trace", state],

        (matches, step, {stack}) => {
          if (!matches) return null;

          let address = stack[stack.length - 2]
          address = "0x" + address.substring(24);
          return address;

       * .createBinary
       * binary code to execute via create operation
      createBinary: createLeaf(
        ["./isCreate", "./trace", state],

        (matches, step, {stack, memory}) => {
          if (!matches) return null;

          // Get the code that's going to be created from memory.
          // Note we multiply by 2 because these offsets are in bytes.
          const offset = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 2], 16) * 2;
          const length = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 3], 16) * 2;

          return "0x" + memory.join("").substring(offset, offset + length);

  return base;

const evm = createSelectorTree({
   * evm.state
  state: (state) => state.evm,

   * evm.info
  info: {
     * evm.info.contexts
    contexts: createLeaf(['/state'], (state) => state.info.contexts.byContext),

     * evm.info.instances
    instances: createLeaf(['/state'], (state) => state.info.instances.byAddress),

     * evm.info.binaries
    binaries: {
      _: createLeaf(['/state'], (state) => state.info.contexts.byBinary),

       * evm.info.binaries.search
       * returns function (binary) => context
      search: createLeaf(['./_'], (binaries) => {
        // HACK ignore link references for search
        // link references come in two forms: with underscores or all zeroes
        // the underscore format is used by Truffle to reference links by name
        // zeroes are used by solc directly, as libraries inject their own
        // address at CREATE-time
        const toRegExp = (binary) =>
          new RegExp(`^${binary.replace(/__.{38}|0{40}/g, ".{40}")}`)

        let matchers = Object.entries(binaries)
          .map( ([binary, {context}]) => ({
            regex: toRegExp(binary)

        return (binary) => matchers
          .filter( ({ context, regex }) => binary.match(regex) )
          .map( ({ context }) => ({ context }) )
          [0] || null;

   * evm.current
  current: {

     * evm.current.callstack
    callstack: (state) => state.evm.proc.callstack,

     * evm.current.call
    call: createLeaf(

      (stack) => stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : {}

     * evm.current.context
    context: createLeaf(
      ["./call", "/info/instances", "/info/binaries/search", "/info/contexts"],

      ({address, binary}, instances, search, contexts) => {
        let record;
        if (address) {
          record = instances[address];
          binary = record.binary
        } else {
          record = search(binary);

        let context = contexts[(record || {}).context];

        return {

     * evm.current.state
     * evm state info: as of last operation, before op defined in step
    state: Object.assign({}, ...(
      ].map( (param) => ({
        [param]: createLeaf([trace.step], (step) => step[param])

     * evm.current.step
    step: createStepSelectors(trace.step, "./state")

   * evm.next
  next: {

     * evm.next.state
     * evm state as a result of next step operation
    state: Object.assign({}, ...(
      ].map( (param) => ({
        [param]: createLeaf([trace.next], (step) => step[param])

    step: createStepSelectors(trace.next, "./state")

export default evm;