
What are “Artifacts”?

Currently, Truffle artifacts are stored as JSON files in a project’s build/contracts/ directory.

Artifact files follow a formally-specified JSON-Schema [1], available in the trufflesuite/truffle-contract-schema repository. This schema’s latest version is v3.0.1.

[1]JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.

Truffle’s Architecture

For background, there are a number of relevant existing components.

Truffle Artifactor

Provided by the truffle-artifactor package.

The artifactor saves contract abstractions to disk. Specifically, this writes to the configured contracts_build_directory.

component Artifactor

frame "interface" as ArtifactorInterface {
   () "save(abstraction)" as Save
   () "saveAll(abstractions)" as SaveAll

Artifactor -up- Save
Artifactor -up- SaveAll

Truffle Resolver

Provided by the truffle-resolver package.

The resolver queries the artifacts, either resolving a contract name (or, deprecated: a source filename) to the corresponding artifact file, and/or instantiating a contract abstraction from the artifact automatically.

component Resolver

frame "interface" as ResolverInterface {
   () "require(contractName, searchPath?)" as Require
   () "resolve(contractName, importedFrom?)" as Resolve

Resolver -up- Require
Resolver -up- Resolve

Truffle Config

Provided by the truffle-config package.

Within the context of Truffle, config objects are used as a singleton object that serves all parts of Truffle with context about the user’s project.

Currently, a Truffle config object contains a reference to an artifactor and a resolver.

skinparam nodesep 50

component Config
() Artifactor
() Resolver

' positioning
Artifactor -[hidden]right-> Resolver

note as N1
   these refer to ""interface""s above
end note

Resolver .right. N1

Config .down. Artifactor
Config .down. Resolver

component "Artifactor" as BaseArtifactor
component "Resolver" as BaseResolver

BaseArtifactor -up- Artifactor
BaseResolver -up- Resolver