Software Design

Truffle DB defines a schema for this smart contract data model, but seeks to remain agnostic to resolver. This provides the desired flexibility while affording options for compatibility.

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component "Truffle DB" as DB

() GraphQL

DB -right- GraphQL

() "GraphQL Resolver" as Resolver

DB .down. Resolver

Interface Compatibility

To conform to existing code, Truffle DB can implement the artifactor and resolver interfaces.

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component "Truffle DB" as DB

() Resolver
() Artifactor

' positioning
Artifactor -[hidden]right-> Resolver

DB -up- Artifactor
DB -up- Resolver

This can serve to make Truffle DB a viable drop-in replacement.

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component Config
() Artifactor
() Resolver

' positioning
Artifactor -[hidden]right-> Resolver

Config .down. Artifactor
Config .down. Resolver

component "Truffle DB" as DB

DB -up- Artifactor
DB -up- Resolver

Artifact Compatibility

In addition, this effort requires that artifact files are maintained in their current format in the project’s contracts_build_directory, as these files are widely recognized/used/generated by both internal and external tooling.

That is: Truffle’s artifacts are an interface.

Naive Approach

By adding an interface for obtaining contract abstractions, and by introducing an adapter component, it may be possible to drop in the existing artifactor/resolver implementations.

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component "Truffle DB" as DB

() Abstractions

DB -left- Abstractions

component "Abstraction Adapter" as Adapter

() "Persistence Controller" as Controller

Adapter -up- Controller

DB .down. Controller

Abstractions ... Adapter

' drop-in
() "Artifactor" as OriginalArtifactor
() "Resolver" as OriginalResolver

component "Artifactor" as BaseArtifactor
component "Resolver" as BaseResolver

' positioning
OriginalArtifactor -[hidden]right-> OriginalResolver

BaseArtifactor -up- OriginalArtifactor
BaseResolver -up- OriginalResolver

Adapter .down. OriginalArtifactor
Adapter .down. OriginalResolver

In this model, Truffle DB interacts with the adapter by way of a controller interface for performing persistence operations.

Using GraphQL Internally

Contract abstractions are currently widely used as a data transfer object.

This may be limiting, since they are not plain data objects, but instead also encapsulate behavior.

A better approach might be to make internal use of the GraphQL mechanism to hook into the existing artifactor/resolver implementations.

This approach would not prohibit the re-use of existing artifactor/resolver implementations, but re-use here would require the introduction of an additional component to instantiate contract abstractions via GraphQL queries.

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component "Truffle DB" as DB

() GraphQL

DB -right- GraphQL

component "Abstraction Adapter" as Adapter

() "Persistence Controller" as Controller

Adapter -up- Controller

DB .down. Controller

component "Query Translation" as Translation
() Abstractions

Translation -down- Abstractions
Translation .up. GraphQL

Abstractions .. Adapter

' drop-in
() Artifactor
() Resolver

' positioning
Artifactor -[hidden]right-> Resolver

component "Artifactor" as BaseArtifactor
component "Resolver" as BaseResolver

BaseArtifactor -up- Artifactor
BaseResolver -up- Resolver

Adapter .down. Artifactor
Adapter .down. Resolver

Here, Truffle DB performs persistence operations by way of this modified abstraction adapter, which interacts with a discrete translation layer for converting between GraphQL queries and abstraction objects.