b"Basic Provenance Sample Application for Azure Blockchain Workbench\n==============================\n\nOverview\n---------\n\nThe Basic Provenance application expresses a workflow for a simple record of\nownership or responsibility. The state transition diagram below shows the\ninteractions among the states in this workflow.\n\n
\n\nApplication Roles\n------------------\n\n| Name | Description |\n|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|\n| InitiatingCounterParty | The first participant in the supply chain. |\n| Counterparty | A party to whom responsibility for a product has been assigned. For example, a shipper |\n| Owner | The organization that owns the product being transported. For example, a manufacturer |\n| Observer | The individual or organization monitoring the supply chain. For example, a government agency |\n\n\xc2\xa0
\n\nStates\n-------\n\n| Name | Description |\n|------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|\n|Created |Indicates that the contract has initiated and tracking is in progress. |\n|InTransit |Indicates that a Counterparty currently is in possession and responsible for goods being transported.|\n|Completed |Indicates the product has reached it's intended destination.|\n\n
\n\nWorkflow Details\n----------------\n\n\n\nAn instance of the Basic Provenance application's workflow starts in the Created\nstate when an owner wants to begin a process for tracking ownership or\nresponsibility. An owner is also the InitiatingCounterParty since the owner\ninitiates the process for tracking the ownership or responsibility. The state\nchanges to InTransit whenever a new counterparty that can take on the\nresponsibility is identified. The owner in the InitiatingCounterParty role\ncalls a function to transfer responsibility by specifying a counterparty. Upon\nreaching the InTransit state, the counterparty can transfer the responsibility\nto another counterparty or the owner can decide to complete the transfers of\nresponsibility and call the Complete function to reach the Completed state.\n\nThe happy path shown in the transition diagram traces the owner transferring\nresponsibility to a counterparty once and then completing the workflow.\n\n
\n\nApplication Files\n-----------------\n[BasicProvenance.json](\n\n[BasicProvenance.sol](\n"