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Tezos support in Truffle is experimental. Give it a spin, and help us out by filing issues on Github.

Configuring your Tezos Project


Your configuration file is called truffle-config.js and is located at the root of your project directory. This file is a Javascript file and can execute any code necessary to create your configuration. It must export an object representing your project configuration like the example below.

const { mnemonic, secret, password, email } = require("./faucet.json");

module.exports = {
  // see <>
  // for more details on how to specify configuration options!
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 443,
      network_id: "*",
      type: "tezos"

Configuring your project to deploy to a public test network

The above configuration defines a single development network pointed at the public Delphinet test network. You can see how this is set up in context by following our quickstart.

Developing on public test nets can be limiting for a number of reasons (acquiring test net tokens, performance, and internet connectivity, among others). Fortunately, there's a local solution.

Setting up a local test network with Flextesa

Enter Flextesa. "Flextesa" is short for flexible test sandboxes, and can help you quickly set up a Tezos environment locally.

Our example Tezos box comes with scripts to spin up a flextesa environment with zero-work. Check out the documentation.

If you're going to set up a flextesa environment on your own, you'll want to perform the following:

  1. Run the flextesa environment via docker (see example)
  2. Configure your Truffle project to point to the flextesa environment. (see example)
  3. Import the default private key into your Truffle configuration. (see example)

Suported configuration options


Specifies which networks are available for deployment during migrations. When compiling and running migrations on a specific network, contract artifacts will be saved and recorded for later use. When your contract abstractions detect that your Tezos client is connected to a specific network, they'll use the contract artifacts associated that network to simplify app deployment.

The networks object, shown below, is keyed by a network name and contains a corresponding object that defines the parameters of the network. The networks option is required, as if you have no network configuration, Truffle will not be able to deploy your contracts. The default network configuration provided by the Tezos example Truffle box specifies multiple available networks, including mainnet and the Babylon testnet. To configure Truffle to connect to other networks, simply add more named networks and specify the corresponding network id.

The network name is used for user interface purposes, such as when running your migrations on a specific network:

$ truffle migrate --network delphinet


networks: {
  development: {
    host: "",
    port: 443,
    network_id: "*",
    type: "tezos"
  delphinet: {
    host: "",
    port: 443,
    network_id: "*",
    type: "tezos"
  mainnet: {
    host: "",
    port: 443,
    network_id: "*",
    type: "tezos"
  zeronet: {
    host: "",
    port: 443,
    network_id: "*",
    type: "tezos"


The default directory for uncompiled contracts is ./contracts relative to the project root. If you wish to keep your contracts in a different directory you may specify a contracts_directory property.


To have Truffle find contracts in ./allMyStuff/someStuff/theContractFolder (recursively) at compile time:

module.exports = {
  contracts_directory: "./allMyStuff/someStuff/theContractFolder",
  networks: {
    // ...

Note: In addition to specifying a relative path, you can also use globs/regular expressions to selectively compile contracts.


The default output directory for compiled contracts is ./build/contracts relative to the project root. This can be changed with the contracts_build_directory key.


To place the built contract artifacts in ./output/contracts:

module.exports = {
  contracts_build_directory: "./output",
  networks: {
    // ...

The built contract artifacts do not need to be inside the project root:

module.exports = {
  contracts_build_directory: "../../../output",
  networks: {
    // ...

Absolute paths will also work. This is not recommended though, as an absolute path may not exist when compiled on another system. If you use absolute paths on Windows, make sure to use double backslashes for paths (example: C:\\Users\\Username\\output).


The default migrations directory is ./migrations relative to the project root. This can be changed with the migrations_directory key.


module.exports = {
  migrations_directory: "./allMyStuff/someStuff/theMigrationsFolder",
  networks: {
    // ...


Configuration options for the MochaJS testing framework. This configuration expects an object as detailed in Mocha's documentation.


mocha: {
  useColors: true


Note: This feature is new and still in a barebones state. Please let us know how we can improve it!

Provides Truffle with a list of installed third-party extensions installed as NPM package dependencies.

Truffle plugin support is currently limited to plugins that define custom workflow commands. For more information, see Third-Party Plugin Commands.