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b"# Express-Box\nTo Be Used as Truffle Box Creating API Endpoints for\nEthereum Blockchain.\n\nWe use personalised blockchain for Ethereum BlockChain\nDevelopment. This personalised blockchain is made in the\nGanacheCLI.\n\nThe Smart Contract Written in solidity language\nis deployed on this Ethereum Blockchain. Smart Contract is\nImmutable hence, once deployed it can't be changed.\n\nA truffle box to serve as the foundation of any Truffle and Express.js dApp.\n\nThis Box Uses NodeJS(Express JS) to provide API\nendpoints to the Ethereum Blockchain smart contract so that this\nsmart contract can be used in Android Apps as well.\n\n**Pre-Requisites**\n1. [NodeJS](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-node-js-on-ubuntu-16-04)\n2. [Yarn](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42606941/install-yarn-ubuntu-16-04-linux-mint-18-1)\n3. [GanacheCLI](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli)\n4. [Truffle](https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle)\n\n**Installation**\n1. Install Truffle and Ganache CLI globally. If you prefer, the graphical version of Ganache works as well!\n```\nnpm install -g truffle\nnpm install -g ganache-cli\n```\n\n2. Download the box. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies.\n\n```\ntruffle unbox arvindkalra/express-box\n\n```\n\n3. Install all the node modules required by running:\n```javascript\n// install all the node modules using npm\nnpm install\n``` \nor if you prefer yarn\n```javascript\n//install all the node modules using yarn\nyarn install\n```\n4. Start truffle development console using\n```\ntruffle develop\n```\n5. Inside the truffle console run `compile` to compile the contracts\n6. You can see that a new `/build` folder has been created in the root directory which contains the compiled contracts.\n\n7. Now these contracts need to be deployed on the Blockchain. For this, run `migrate` inside the truffle development console\n\n\n8. To run the Express server `yarn start` or `npm start`\n9. In the browser window open `http://localhost:3000/`.\n\n**Collaborators**\n1. [ARVIND KALRA](https://github.com/arvindkalra)\n2. [PRANAV SINGHAL](https://github.com/pranav-singhal)\n"