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b"![nuxt-box](https://storage.googleapis.com/paperchain-assets/nuxt-box-banner.png)\n\n# Nuxt-box\nNuxt-box is a truffle box using the [Nuxt.js](https://nuxtjs.org) framework to create a [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/) application that can interact with the smart contracts on [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org/).\n\n## Setup & Installation\n- Install [truffle](http://truffleframework.com): `npm i -g truffle`\n- Download the box. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies: `truffle unbox Paperchain/nuxt-box`\n- Install [Metamask browser extension](https://metamask.io/)\n\n## Running the Application\n\n If you have MetaMask set for your browser, configure a \n Custom RPC with address: http://localhost:9545 from Metamask Networks tab.\n \n1) Open terminal and run the development server: `truffle develop`\n2) Connect local-rpc account with MetaMask. Follow [this answer](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/30593/how-can-i-import-the-accounts-from-truffle-develop-into-metamask) on Ethereum StackExchange.\nThis account will have tokens and ether for transactions.\n3) Deploy the contracts to the local-rpc: `migrate --reset`\n4) Copy the token address from the terminal:\n\n```\nEIP20: 0x345ca3e014aaf5dca488057592ee47305d9b3e10\n```\n\n5) Paste the token address to **src/store/eip20.js** where it says:\n\n```\nconst tokenAddress = '0x345ca3e014aaf5dca488057592ee47305d9b3e10'\n// insert deployed EIP20 token address here\n```\n\n6) Open a new terminal tab and run the webapp: `npm run dev`\n\n\n## Web App Commands\n\n``` bash\n# install dependencies\n$ npm install # Or yarn install\n\n# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000\n$ npm run dev\n\n# build for production and launch server\n$ npm run build\n$ npm start\n\n# generate static project using\n$ npm run generate\n\n# lint or lintfix\n$ npm run lint\n$ npm run lintfix\n```\n\n## Truffle Commands\n\n``` bash\n# run contract tests\n$ truffle test\n\n# run truffle development mode (run local blockchain)\n$ truffle develop\n\n# deploy contracts to local blockchain\n$ truffle migrate --reset\n$ migrate --reset (when in development mode)\n```\n\n\n## Credits\n\nFor example purposes this boilerplate uses [EIP20 token contracts made by ConsenSys](https://github.com/ConsenSys/Tokens/tree/master/contracts/eip20).\n"